Wicked, mature Annabelle Moore was home in her place glancing through the window when she saw this person outside working. Seeing him work with his hands truly turned her on so the normally stunning mother took her top off and measured her decent, regular tits in her grasp. Getting out of the skirt, she twisted around and showed her butt in her underwear while discussing how wet her pussy was getting so she came to down and scoured her cut through her underwear. The undies hit the floor as Annabelle got her number one vibrator and laid it between her tits to do a little toy titty fucking. She sucked it until it was overall quite wet then slid it into her tight, shaved pussy. Beginning gradually, she screwed herself increasingly fast as she sat before the window. She bored that pussy profound, cumming and creaming on top of it. Meanwhile trusting that person on the road turned upward and saw her fucking herself and cumming in the window as she watched him work.